Each request to STACKIT Infrastructure API must be authenticated via a User Access Tokens (UAT). These instructions will guide you through the process of creating such token.

Setting up access to the infrastructure API

In order to be able to use the infrastructure API, a so-called User Access Token (UAT) is required. This UAT consists of a username and password and is comparable to a technical user for the OpenStack project

The UAT provides complete and comprehensive access to your OpenStack project. Therefore, careful handling of the UAT is essential to avoid negative effects on the systems and configurations in the OpenStack project.

  1. The creation of the User Access Token can be found in the STACKIT portal under "ACCESS" → "Infrastructure API".

  2. Here you can create a new UAT specifying the description.

  3. In the last step you will get all necessary information for accessing the infrastructure API (please keep it!)

Please note that the access data can only be displayed once, as they can no longer be read/displayed once they have been saved. If you no longer have access to the data, the password must be reset (alternatively, the entire UAT can be deleted and created again).

An example configuration for using the User Access Token with the Infrastructure API can be found under Basics Concepts of API & CLI